Our Mission Statement And Goals

Binksberry Hollow is a direct reflection of our passion for food and a means to deepen our relationship and understanding of where it comes from.

We (or our local farm partners) raise pastured chicken, grass-fed beef, and hogs. We then process and custom cut  (in our certified and inspected on-farm butcher shop)   dry-aged beef, signature sausage, and truly farm-fresh poultry.

We are also partnered with Goodman Farms to provide hundreds of vegetables and produce items reflecting the bounty of the Niagara region through our ever changing weekly CSA / Farm Share.

At the Hollow we view ourselves as caretakers and stewards of the land that we are proud to live on. Animal and human welfare are a top priority along with maintaining regenerative farming practices.

Our website was built to bridge the gap between local farms and you, making supporting local agriculture easy and stress-free.

As a 35 year professional chef, My wife and I look forward to having you along for the ride on the continuation of our culinary journey.

Partner Farms

The diverse collection of locally sourced items we have available at Binksberry Hollow would not be possible without the support of the hard-working people that run the local farms in Western New York.

Here are just a few of our partners that we work with locally.

Goodman Farms

Brendan Monaco from Goodman’s Farm’s is essential to providing all the produce dairy and eggs for Binksberry Hollow. In the process, he is supporting dozens of local farms and truly showcasing the bounty of Niagara County. Below is a little backstory on this sixth-generation farmer. If you have any questions about produce, dairy or eggs don’t hesitate to reach out to Brendan directly at [email protected]

We at Goodman Farms have been farming in Western New York since 1949! We have only moved locations twice in our 6 generations of farming. Our first farm was located on route 104 in Ransomville. We took our products from there to the Buffalo Market by means of horse and wagon when this all started, which was a 2-3 day journey back then. The fondest memory from those days was two of our family horses pulling the loaded cart up over the escarpment. After that was accomplished one of the horses was let go and would always return home to the farm to wait for his owner to return. 

After farming on the ridge for many years and as generations continued we moved down here on Randall Road where we still remain today. Our focus then was more on vegetables and some fruit, but we also did many acres of Concord and Niagara grapes which were contracted through Welch’s. We also had a time where we raised pigs and chickens. As we continued to grow, so did our diversity on our farm, along with our desire to maintain the land and resources we were blessed to have and wanted to keep for further generations! This is still a huge part of our daily focus on our daily farming activities and way of life.

Over the years we have expanded our operations to be what we currently do here on our farm in 2022. We now farm around 300 acres of land conventionally, we have 3 greenhouses which give us the ability to lengthen our season for growing. We have around 55 acres of fresh market apples with 12 different varieties, along with planting grains as part of our rotational crops for overall soil health and management. Most years our grains are primarily soybeans to help restore nitrogen to the soil and reduce inputs having to be put back into the soil. Our whole farm management plan is focused on minimal soil disturbance, soil health, water management and minimal pesticide and fertilizer inputs as needed. 

Within the last four years, we have moved to having a 15 acre certified organic farm along with a greenhouse on that property. We have implemented indoor growing using a teraponic based system with over 105 living microorganisms in the soil, we have reduced our green footprint using many different techniques, along with starting a CSA like no other over the last 6 years. We are always learning and implementing new ways to help our soil and environment around us, by being the best stewards of what we have been given. We are always trying to supply the best quality product to our consumers while being the best stewards of our blessings. “Growing high-quality fresh food for people and people for GOD”

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