BinksBerry Hollow‘s partnership with Cornell’s Veggie Van
The Veggie Van is a mobile farmers market that provides residents of Niagara County with locally grown fruits, vegetables and more.
Bringing the farm to you!
Since 2016 , the Cornell Veggie Van has strived to increase food security, promote equitable food access and work towards a sustainable and diverse local food system.
All of the food is sourced from farms in Western New York encouraging residents to “eat local!”
Binksberry Hollow is incredibly proud and honored to be one of the many farms throughout Niagara County selected to provide locally sourced food for the upcoming season of the veggie van.
- Supports local farmers and their families
- Promotes produce that is picked when ripe and packed with vitamins
- Provides environmental and economic stability
- Ensures that local produce doesn’t have to travel thousands of miles
We have added some basic cooking advice below to help you prepare various types of meat that you may see from our farm.
At the bottom of this page, you will also find 4 downloadable workbooks packed with hundreds of recipes to jumpstart your local food culinary journey.
Our Chicken is pasture-raised right here in Western New York on Binksberry Hollows farm. This mouthwatering chicken derives its flavor from the mix of free-choice grass and grain.
Chicken can be prepared in a multitude of ways. Chicken cacciatore to stirfry Greek dinner or chicken parm , the options are virtually unless.
It is extremely important when preparing poultry to always ensure that you cook the chicken thoroughly to 165°. The most important kitchen tool you can own is a meat thermometer.
Please feel free to download any of our workbooks below to find interesting and seasonal recipes using chicken and locally grown seasonal vegetables.
The beef you ever received was raised processed and butchered right here in New York State. Reducing travel time and many issues related to large commercial beef operations.
Beef is very flexible and diverse as far as the recipes that could be used in. Meatballs make a great quick dinner and are packed with protein in flavor. Ground beef is super flexible and can be incorporated into a wide variety of recipes, from chili to hamburger helper, sloppy Joe’s or burgers on the grill.
Make sure to download one of our seasonal workbooks to find new in interesting ways to use this local beef and vegtables to make amazing healthy meals.
Pork is one of our personal favorite meats to work with. It can be combined and mixed with beef to make beautiful sausage or meatballs.
Or pork is sourced locally and butchered right here in Western New York. Ground pork can be used the exact same way as ground beef in your favorite chili recipes or for an all pork burger on the grill it also makes great taco meat or mixed with seasonings stuffed inside of a pepper.
Please feel free to download one of our seasonal workbooks below to explore the many options and diversity of pork.
The workbooks below were created to help use local meat and vegetables when in season at peak freshness to incorporate into a healthy sustainable diet.
Being healthy and sustainable does not have to mean boring or ordinary.
Click any of the images below to download any of our seasonal workbooks.
These cookbooks were written by Chef Steven Binks and provided free of charge by Binksberry Hollow and The Cornell Cooperative Extention Of Niagara County.